Saturday, December 4, 2021

12.3 Disney Springs Cirque de Soleil

Not a lot to report today; we needed to recover from 8 hours at EPCOT, so we had lunch at the hotel and went to Disney Springs to see Cirque, which was awesome. If you're imagining a surrealist French-Canadian circus show based on the history of Disney, you're not far off. Awesome show, although some of the performances had the performers getting so high, in particular the see-saw and swing routines, I almost had to look away. There are of course no pictures or video allowed during the performance, but here's a photo sphere I created of the set:

As for what we ate, here's a picture of my pulled pork sandwich and the real star, the eggnog cupcake. Let's get the pulled pork out of the way quick:


Okay, now let's bring on the eggnog cupcake. (drumroll)

We ended up having to use a spoon to attack this from the top; the green wrapping doesn't seem to open, or if it does we couldn't figure it out. That being said, going in from the top with a spoon actually worked really well and prevented me from getting icing all over my face like I usually do when a cupcake is too big. As for how it tasted, supposedly there's alcohol in here somewhere, but all I tasted was eggnog. Whatever the signature item that gives eggnog its noggness, this had it spilling out the green skirt we couldn't figure out how to open. The true spirit of nog is captured in this cupcake, which I am definitely going to get again. NOG

Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom, which is a half-day (more like a quarter day often) park, where we're probably going to get a billionty pictures on the safari, scarf something down at Yak and Yeti and go home. Poor Katie got woken up at 1 am by fireworks!!

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